Monday, April 26, 2010

Charter for Compassion

I wrote this post when I was really still quite shocked by the video. It's really not the issue of education in IT that upset me; it was the implied "...if we don't do this then the Chinese and Indians will take our jobs".
The United States already has a standard of living (for some) that is well above what is sustainable. The world has a growing population, we need to learn to be more compassionate and to share rather that perpetuate greed and xenophobia. The world political structure is also changing and power is moving where it should; to those countries with the largest populations. This is not necessarily a bad thing. If you spoke about it in election terms it would be proportional representation.
There does need to be some balancing of wealth and that will come one way or the other, violent or peaceful.
In terms of how we give kids an education that allows them to participate in a changing world. Well a broad education that is not geared towards "academia for everyone", recognition of individual abilities, fostering critical thinking and problem solving, teaching empathy and compassion rather than division and hate, and of course staying up with the technological developments (but these alone are a part of the solution, only a part).
A lot of the problems that I see are motivational problems that stem from an overly pessimistic outlook and a lack of the understanding of a need for education in both adults and children.
Have a look at this link, more of this and less of the "shift happens in my opinion.

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